The autobiography of Teodor Gherasim.

His early childhood in Bucovina, his adult life in the city of Bucarest during the Communist regime-1940’s to early 80’s-gives a vivid picture of life in Romania. His eventual escape to Italy and finally his emigration to America in the late 80’s. He cites the vast differences between these two worlds.

A man of extraordinary vitality, courage and determination, Teodor ever optimistic survives four years of ‘hell’ in Communist prisons-his only fault being that he tried to help feed and cloth those less fortunate than himself-the families of political prisoners. Despite the restrictions placed on him after his release, he manages to achieve his goal- a higher education, leaving Romania in ‘84 with a Doctorate in Economics and a Masters in Engineering. Fluent in several languages, he unceasingly pursues a disciplined life-style.

With the publication of this book, Dr. Gherasim has been awarded the international Man of the Year 2000 medal from Cambridge, England.

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